List of the Regional Heritages in Western Japan
Japan National Trust


Daijo-in Temple Garden Heritage Center

1083-1, Takahata-cho, Nara City, Nara Pref.
● Summary  


The former Daijo-in temple prospered as a temple whose chief priest was a member of the imperial family at the Kofuku-ji temple from the Heian era to the Muromachi era. It is said that the garden which had temporarily been ruined was restored by Zenami, the greatest gardener in those days, in the late 15th century. The Daijo-in temple became a ruined one in the Meiji era, but the garden is still left and now under restoration and arrangement. It will be scheduled to be opened to the public in 2010. A beautiful place, the Daijo-in temple garden heritage center next to the garden is located halfway between Nara-machi with the Genko-ji temple in the central part and around Takahata, and so the citizens and the tourists easily take a rest viewing a beautiful place, the former Daijo-in temple garden and the exhibition material at the Daijo-in temple, while they can make use of an exhibition room, a tea room, a Japanese room, an assembly room and so on. Outside of the facilities the mud walls of the Gagaku musicians’ tenement house (Gakujin Nagaya Dobei) have been restored.

● Access

20min. walk from Nara Sta.(JR Line) OR 15min. walk from Nara Sta. (Kintetsu Line)

inquiries: Daijo-in Temple Garden Heritage Center
TEL: 0742−24−0808
URL: http://www.city.nara.nara.jp/icity/browser?ActionCode=content&ContentID=1147771986942&SiteID=0&ParentGenre=1000000000264